Jairo Patiño
Undertook postdoctoral work (Juan de la Cierva and Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowships) working on various aspects of island biogeography and community assembly. After completing his postdoctoral work Jairo took up a Ramón y Cajal Research Fellowship at the University of La Laguna.

Alicia Mastretta-Yanes
Completed her PhD entitled “Landscape genomics of tropical high altitude plant species.” After completing her PhD Alicia took up employment in Mexico as a CONACYT Research Fellow assigned to CONABIO.

James Kitson
Completed his PhD entitled “Speciation and diversification of the beetle tribe Cratopini on the islands of the South West Indian Ocean area.” After completing his PhD James took up employment as a postdoctoral researcher with Darren Evans and Dave Lunt within the Evolutionary Biology Group and the University of Hull.

Ben Holt
Completed his PhD entitled “The evolution and ecology of a species complex: investigating the origin and maintenance of colour polymorphism in the genus Hypoplectrus.” After completing his PhD Ben took up employment as a postdoctoral researcher with Carsten Rahbek at the Centre for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate at the University of Copenhagen.

Andreia Miraldo
Completed her PhD entitled “Phylogeography and population dynamics of secondary contact zones of Lacerta lepida in the Iberian Peninsula.” After completing her PhD Andreia took up employment as a postdoctoral researcher with Ilkka Hanski at the Metapopulation Research Group at the University of Helsinki.

Eugenia Zarza-Franco
Completed her PhD entitled “Phylogeography and genetic analysis of secondary contact zones of Ctenosaura pectinata and related species.” After completing her PhD Eugenia took up employment as a postdoctoral researcher within the Molecular Ecology Group of Markus Pfenninger at the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre in Frankfurt.

Juan Carlos Illera
Undertook postdoctoral work investigating the population genetics of Anthus berthelotii and the phylogeny of the genus Saxicola. Juan Carlos is now a Ramón y Cajal Research Fellow at the Biodiversity Research Unit of the University of Oviedo.

Shaun Forgie
Undertook postdoctoral work investigating the genetic consequences of island colonisation in the beetle species Brachyderes rugatus. After completing his postdoctoral work Shaun took up employment as a member of the Biodiversity and Conservation staff within Landcare Research, New Zealand.

Tove Jorgensen
Undertook postdoctoral work investigating the evolution of plant resistance to pathogens through the examination of natural variation in a resistance gene in Arabidopsis. Tove is now an Associate Professor within the Department of Bioscience at Aarhus University.

Lukasz Michalczyk
Completed his PhD entitled “Sexual selection and reproductive compatibility in Tribolium castaneum.” Lukasz is now an Assistant Professor within the Institute of Zoology at Jagiellonian University.

Francesco Cicconardi
Visited as a research fellow to undertake molecular work for his PhD studies on the evolution of Collembolan species diversity within the Mediterranean region. After finishing his PhD Francesco took up employment as a postdoctoral researcher at the Physics Department of “La Sapienza” University of Rome.

Miguel Navascués
Completed his PhD entitled “Genetic diversity of the endemic Canary Island pine, Pinus canariensis.” Miguel is now a member of the research staff within the Centre for Biology and Management of Populations of INRA in Montpellier.

Lauren Gardiner
Completed her PhD entitled “Phylogenetics and Conservation of the SE Asian genus Vanda (Orchidaceae).” Lauren is now Assistant Botanist in the Palms and Pandans team in the Herbarium at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, working on systematics, curation and conservation.